FuelMe on a Summer Break

Hi guys!

After 20 weeks, 3492 meals and 179 customers, FuelMe will have a short summer break starting from Monday 25th of June 2018. This week will be the last week the store will be open to make orders before the summer break, for delivery on Monday 18/06 and Wednesday 20/06.

We do not have a comeback date set yet and we will announce across our channels when we do. As it is the last week the store is open, all our meals plans will be -15%. Keep in mind you can easily store meals in the freezer and eat them later during/after a busy day or grab them when you are simply hangry. 

ice cream


A lot of things have happened over the course of the last 20 weeks. When we started FuelMe, we knew the service would be far from perfect (and it still is). Like any start-up, we made our share of mistake. But with continuous effort and relying on the constant feedback from our customers, we made some positive practical changes such as:

  • Bigger meals of a higher quality 
  • More protein and more vegetables
  • New meals with more variety
  • Eco-friendly packaging

Compared to the first delivery day, we have not only grown in numbers, but also in knowledge and appearance. We defined our values better, as well as the exact reasons why we started FuelMe and why our customers keep liking it. We understood FuelMe is not a decision you make when you are hungry, but a lifestyle decision where we support you to make your daily life healthier, easier and tastier.

As a self-funded startup, we are also happy to be a profitable one and we will keep working hard to improve FuelMe in the short and long run. During the break in the following weeks we will work on a fresher website, a revamped marketing structure, new visual material (e.g. new bags!), new meals, different meal size options (for children for example), office delivery, etc. We are receiving a lot of help from the community around FuelMe and for that we are very grateful.   

We are fans of a balanced lifestyle in every aspect. It’s important to find balance, in everyday life and in the longer run. Periods of hard work should be followed by periods of decompressing yourself. So go out there and enjoy the summer in or outside of Finland, indulge when you want to and relax when you need to.



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