The new surprising way to easily order tasty meals in Helsinki

FuelMe is back to delivering nutritious and delicious meals in Helsinki. To eventually get those meals into your belly, we want to remind you how the ordering process works. In the meanwhile, we have some new features in the works to make our meal delivery service tastier and easier for you.

FuelMe meals and how to order

Starting with a menu of 6 meals per week, you will be able to select a variety of meals with a good balance in the nutritional profile (carbs, protein, and healthy fats) and the use of fresh,   and seasonal ingredients to fuel your active lifestyle. Our focus of the meals is quality and taste. All meals, cooked by Sam McCormick, have calculated macros and over time we will display the micro-nutritional values on the website as well. You can supersize your meal, meaning you can double the amount of protein (e.g. extra delicious pulled pork) in your dish.

How to order:

  1. Order a minimum of 3 meals before Thursday midnight.
  2. Select your pick-up point.
  3. Grab your meals out of our fridge on Monday and/or Wednesday.

If you don’t want to order every week, you can join the FuelMe community and subscribe to a meal package. That way you get a fixed set of meals delivered to your pick-up on a weekly basis. Ordering meals through the subscription is cheaper and saves you valuable time.

A fresh new menu will appear online every Friday, where we regularly will rotate through new ones.


On the menu next week: Italian meatballs with tomato sauce, pasta and kale salad.

What’s in the works?

During these sunny spring days, the FuelMe team is working hard to improve the experience for you in a number of ways. This is what is coming up:

Subscription meal picker

Those who are on a FuelMe subscription will able to select their preferred meals for next week’s delivery in their account. This was a feature very much asked for, as it gives subscribers the freedom and ease to quickly choose their preferred meals without having to actually place a weekly order.

Finnish translation and payment options

We are currently updating the Finnish version and translation of our website. Adding Finnish payment options to the check-out process is being set up as well.


Over the next few months, FuelMe will change it look and feel as we have a total revamp of the brand in the works. Together with Jemina Lehmuskoski, and her team we will improve the current brand and style and make sure all touch points of FuelMe have the same exciting look and feel for you.

In the meanwhile, keep working hard, eat real food, rest well and, most importantly, have fun while you are doing it. Let us know if you have comments or questions in the comment field below!

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